Mental Health Month May 2018

This May is Mental Health Month

Florida Mental Health & EAP Services (FMHEAP) is teaming up with Mental Health America in their campaign to raise awareness about the connection between physical health and mental health, through the theme Fitness #4Mind4Body.
Mental health is essential to everyone’s overall health and well-being, and mental illnesses are common and treatable. So much of what we do physically impacts us mentally –it’s important to pay attention to both your physical health and your mental health, which can help you achieve overall wellness and set you on a path to recovery. The campaign is meant to educate and inform individuals about how eating healthy foods, gut health, managing stress, exercising, and getting enough sleep can go a long way in making you healthy all around. Florida Mental Health & EAP Services is hosting a community outreach project by offering free mental health screening days in the month of May to commemorate Mental Health Month. See the information below for further details on screening dates and time. Here at FMHEAP It is very important to us to be connected to our community, so we hope you will join us – and please bring a friend or family member!

A healthy lifestyle can help to prevent the onset or worsening of mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, as well as heart disease, diabetes, obesity and other chronic health problems. It can also play a big role in helping people recover from these conditions. Taking good care of your body is part of a before Stage Four approach to mental health. Getting the appropriate amount of exercise can help control weight, improve mental health, and help you live longer and healthier. Recent research is also connecting your nutrition and gut health with your mental health. Sleep also plays a critical role in all aspects of our life and overall health. Getting a good night’s sleep is important to having enough physical and mental energy to take on daily responsibilities. And we all know that stress can have a huge impact on all aspects of our health, so it’s important to take time to focus on stress-reducing activities like meditation, guided imagery or deep breathing. At Florida Mental Health & EAP Services we want everyone to know that mental illnesses are real, and recovery is always the goal. Living a healthy lifestyle may not be easy, but by looking at your overall health every day – both physically and mentally – you can go a long way in ensuring that you focus on your Fitness #4Mind4Body. For more information, visit www.mentalhealthamerica.net/may.

Mental Health Month May 2018

Mental Health Month May 2018

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